Comparison and evaluation of different tallies for absorbed dose calculation of palladium-103 source brachytherapy of MED3633 model in water phantom using monte carlo method
- 14/آبان/1402
- مقالات ژورنالی انگلیسی
- نویسنده : آزمایشگاه میکرودزیمتری نوترون
- 10 بازدید
- 0 نظر
Brachytherapy is a method of radiotherapy for the treatment of malignant tumors in order to deliver maximum dose to the damaged tissues without damaging the adjacent healthy tissues. Due to the dose distribution, the dose calculation is not estimated in the experimental measurement and Monte Carlo methods are usually used as recommended by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. The MCNP۴C is a powerful Monte Carlo code used in the dosimetry calculation. For different tallies, MCNP code can be used to calculate the absorbed dose around the source and therefore accurate methods can be used to calculate the dose distribution around the source, which is important. In the present study, the absorbed doses have been requisitely calculated subject to the result dose of &sup۱;⁰&sup۳;Pd source of MED۳۶۳۳ model by using the different tallies of MCNP۴C code (F۴, F۶, *F۸) evaluated and compared with the records of ۲×۱۰⁹ particles and the accuracy of the result of the calculation and the ideal result in the least duration. The result of the absorbed dose by using different tallies of MCNP۴C code with the similar number of the particles at different distances toward the source indicate that the conduct durations of F۴ and F۶ tallies are ۲۰ times faster than *F۸ tally. In addition, the amount of error rates of each tally at different distance from the source, it is observed that there are the statistical errors of F۴ and F۶ tallies less than ۵% at all distances to the source, which implies good consistency. The evaluations of *F۸ tally show that the statistical error rate increases when the distance to the source increases, and only one distance of ۱.۵ cm to the source of F۴ and F۶ tallies is consistent and the error rate is less than ۵%, the difference is observed between ۶-۲۱% at the distance further than ۵-۶ cm. Hence, according to the research, the absorbed dose of F۴ and F۶ tallies is better fitted than *F۸ tally in respect to accuracy and rapidity.
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